About this comic

I know to those of you out there who draw and write your own comics, my planning a second epic comic when I've already got one in the works might sound a little...well...dumb.



This whole venture began when a while ago, I found that there were these strange creatures running around in my head.

These creatures were, of course, what later evolved into the Boetheri. And if you would like to know more about them, there is a description of the race in the "History" section.


I wasn't quite sure what these creatures were, but I knew I wanted to use them in something. While I waited for inspiration to strike, I drew more of the Boetheri, refining their design until I was happy with the way that they looked.

Because a lot of this designing happened during classes *ahem* I drew most of the images in pen. When I came up with one drawing I rather liked, it occured to me that I never really work much with just ink, and that if I could learn to do it right, it could be very good.

My other comic is done with a little bit of ink and computer coloring. Thanks to this method of forcing myself to constantly work on the computer, I've refined the use of photoshop and color. But I still know very little about ink. However, the same method could be used.

By doing this comic in nothing but pen and ink, the thought is that I will be forced to learn how to properly apply ink over time. So this comic will be ENTIRELY in inks (save the text, which I will add on the computer) and, since I'm experimenting with the method of shading, I thought I'd experiment story-wise as well. So, if you're familiar with Firefly Cross, this comic, when done, will likely have a much darker feel. That is, more serious themes and direct punnishment to the character's souls.

As I said on the main site, I'd like some feedback about the ideas here, so please post any questions or comments in my forum, or E-mail me at dragonsong12@hotmail.com.