The story of Firefly Cross begins ages in the past, and is the type of story that has been told over and over again...with the clear-cut battle between Light and Dark. At first these conflicts were small feuds between small groups, but gradually they grew into all out wars between the two competing sides. After a time of this, Fate decided to intercede in the matter...
Fate is not a goddess. She is not a deity of any sort. She cannot create or destroy, she can only guide. It is her job to guide people to do what they must to eventually achieve an end that only Fate herself is certain of. However, the constant warring between Light and Dark began to interfere in Fate's plans for how the world must go. In order to correct this, Fate decided to bring the conflicts between the Light and Dark under her control. She enlisted the help of the most powerful human mages of the time to create two swords, and even appeared in the world to place the stones in the center of each sword herself. The weapons remain the only objects in the world that have been touched by the hand of Fate. As such, her influence over them is immense, and it is next to impossible to destroy them, or to keep them from the one that She has chosen to wield them. These are, of course, the swords Ra'grathon and Kyar'tonis.
To ensure protection for the Keeper of the sword, Fate then instructed the mages to create a companion. The mages ensnared two immortal spirits, binding them to the swords. The power of these spirits was then "given" to a human warrior, who became the Guardian, sworn to protect the Keeper no matter what. The human part of every guardian can die, although he will live a great deal longer than any normal human would, however the spirit within him is immortal, and will simply move on to the next designated Guardian upon his death.
To further ensure that the conflicts between the Light and Dark would follow whatever course she had planned for it (she really is quite paranoid at times) Fate also convinced two neutrals (sworn to neither the Light nor the Dark) to be second companions to the Keepers. Two dragons were chosen, Chaerius and Sadryn, both nearly as old as the world itself. The dragons were to be wisdom and experience to their charges. Unfortunately, Fate never bothered to check on either dragons' personality.
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For a time, Fate's plan worked out perfectly. The Keepers were chosen in such a way as to ensure that whichever side came out victorious, none of Her plans would be affected by it. Oddly enough, it was always the Light that was victor, which, unfortunately, became a growing concern among those who followed the Dark.
All of this was upset with one simple mistake. A servant of the Dark, in an attempt to thwart Fate, began a new conflict before Fate had designated for it to begin. This triggered a whole string of events outside of her control, and while the Light still came out victorious in the end, the Guardian of Light was killed, long before he was fated to die, and the new guardian, Ra'yl, was not only outside of the influence of Fate, but was too young and inexperienced to have to take on the responsibilities of Guardian.
Now the difficulties truly began, for the Light had a Guardian who was mostly outside of Fate's influence, and therefore her influence on the side of the Light as a whole was diminished. The Light managed to hold their own in the next conflict as well, depending on the power that they had built up over the centuries of being dominant. However, it was that successful past itself which led to the Light's downfall.
Ra'grathon came into the hands of a new Keeper, a young lord who thought that since the Light had never been defeated that it could not lose. Usually, Fate avoided allowing either of the swords to fall to someone such as him, but with her influence for the Light diminishing, such mistakes were bound to happen. This Keeper was very arrogant and proud, and his arrogance led to carelessness. His flamboyance on the battlefield left him open to attack, and he was killed.
With his death, the Dark was now free to reign over the world, and they were more than prepared to do so. They knew that their rule would only last until the Light was to win against them again, and so, in order to prevent that from happening, they kept a careful watch over the entire world, watchful for any sign of the Light rising against them, and crushing it before it became a threat. In this way, they managed to maintain their power, and even gain a great deal more, keeping the Light at bay for longer than anyone would have dreamed possible…
…but for all their careful planning and attention to the details, they were unable to find the sword Ra’grathon, the key to the power of the Light. A simple, careless act of an underling allowed the sword to escape notice for years to come…
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Years pass…
…centuries pass…
...more than a thousand years go by, and nothing changes…
The Dark has ruled the earth now for so long that their power has become rooted and deeply entrenched. Those that still follow the Light are few, and far between, and those who even remember what it had once been and once stood for are almost non-existent. However, in all that time, the world itself has changed. It is now in the future, where computers run everything, and all the ways of the past have long since been forgotten. This future world requires a new approach on a tale that spans centuries.
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Katyn Hidane, a young, lady cat burglar, stumbles across a strange find while lifting collectables from the store rooms of a small museum. What looks to her to be nothing more than an old, worn sword, is truly Ra'grathon, the sword of the Flame, that which agents of the dark have been searching for for so many years. Now Katyn, together with her friends and companions, is the only chance the Light has to avoid being snuffed out forever...and it is not a responsibility that she wants to take on.
The Dark has ruled the world for centuries. They are behind every power, and have spread everywhere, wiping out all servants of the Light. The most difficult part of this mission is that the Light no longer has any chance of being the victor in a conflict. Even if they were to somehow destroy the Dark Lord and those that serve him, it would not be enough, for there is nothing left of the power that the Light once held, save the Keeper, her companions, and Ra'grathon. Their impossible task is merely to attempt to restore the balance, to try to help bring things back under Fate's control.
...and they may all be destroyed attempting to do so.