Backstory Database

The Characters


Katyn is the "hero" of Firefly Cross. She is a young lady cat burglar, who finds herself in possession of the mystic sword, Ra'grathon. As keeper of the sword, it is her duty to use as champion for the Light, but this is not a role that Katyn assumes gladly, and must be forced into the role, for she is used to living her life caring only for her own needs, and not the needs of others. She has no desire to take on such responsibilities.   

Katyn is twenty years old, and has lived as a theif her entire life. Her "family" is a group of other young theives, and a doctor ("doc") who is the acting authority figure for all of them. While she is very loyal to her friends, she is more of a loner, and prefers her own company to the company of others.


Ra'yl is the current Guardian of Light. As Guardian, his sole duty is to protect the Keeper of Ra'grathon at ALL costs, including his own life. He takes his duties to Fate very seriously, and will let nothing keep him from his duty. He is not stuck in tradition, as sometimes seems, he merely knows no other way to live and cannot imagine certain things that seemed so definite the last time he arrived in the world to be so uncertain now. 

Physically, Ra'yl is about 22-24 years old, though he has been alive for a far longer time than that. He has been called to the world as Guardian two times before he was called by Katyn, and even so is still one of the youngest Guardians that has ever served the Light (Guardians are usually in their 30's when chosen). Once he can be coaxed to think outside the rules that were so strict when he was taught them, he is a very kind-hearted and fun-loving person, but very attentive to his duties, and he is still plagued by memories of the failure of the Light's last struggle.


Chaerius Evk Ky'rell is the dragon that volunteered to stand with the Light throughout the centuries. His job is to be a companion to the Keeper of Ra'grathon just as the Guardian is a companion, but his role is slightly different. The Guardian is part of the company to provide protection for the Keeper. While Chaerius is also charged with the Keeper's protection, that is not his main focus. He is to provide guidance to the Keeper, using all the wisdom he has gained from a dragon's lifetime of living. Over the years, he has obtained the ability to change into the form of a cat in order to hide himself among humans, and sometimes appears as a winged cat.

Chaerius is very devoted to Fate and to the task She has charged him with, but he is (like all dragons) a neutral. Though he may agree with more of what the Light may say that the Dark, in his heart, he follows neither side truly, which, while it gives an outside point-of-view to the Keeper, which is necessary, can also occaisionally lead to actions on his part that go against the Light, or ignoring orders that he considers foolish that follow the Light. He does at he wishes at all times, following no rules. Fortunately, he also has a pleasant personality, which can at times be authoritative and no-nonsense, but is generally fun-loving and happy.


The Keeper of Kyar'tonis, the sword that is opposite of Ra'grathon, is the lord of the Dark. The current Dark lord is the same one who stood against the Light when they failed so many years ago. He has somehow gained immortality, and has kept the Light from gaining any power for more than a thousand years. Most of the strength that the Light once had has been completely destroyed by this Lord leaving the Light little chance of recovering.

Inattention to the specifics of the whatever immortality spell the Dark lord used has left his body stuck at the age he was at when it was cast, which is that of a boy. He looks like any normal child, but that innocent exterior hides a mind that has been warped by over a thousand years of rule over the world. He was once a pleasant person, but he has since changed into a dictator who will destroy any who oppose him. 

(* He is simply "The Dark Lord" at the moment, because I haven't come up with any good name for him yet. if you have any ideas, please let me know)


Elrek is the Guardian of Shades. He is, as can be guessed, the Guardian who stands opposite Ra'yl and fights for the Dark. Like Ra'yl, he is extremely devoted to his master and to his mission, even if his master's change in temper has left him at something of a loss. 

Elrek is older than Ra'yl (physically in his early fourties) and a great deal more experienced. He has a certain sympathy for Ra'yl, and respect the younger man, but he will still fight him to the death if the need comes. Elrek is a strange character, who cares nothing for pride or for proving himself, only for completing his mission, and he will debase himself in any way to help his master achieve his goals. In many ways, he is even more true to his mission than Ra'yl.


Sadryn is the dragon of the Darkness, opposite Chaerius. He was placed in the role to provide advice, but speaks little, so it is rarely given. When it is, however, it is usually wise to listen to what he has to say. He learned, like Chaerius, to change his form over time in order to blend more easily into the human world, but he also despises humans, and did not work as hard to change his form as Chaerius did, so he cannot get to the small size that Chaerius managed, so Sadryn stays at times in the form of a bobcat (sometimes winged) and has spent much of the passing years hiding in caves in the mountains.

Sadryn, as stated, hates humans, and only volunteered for the position to aid in the destruction of many, many humans. He is often scowling, and short-tempered. Also impacient, the only humans hwe will listen to for any period of time are Elrek and the Dark Lord (For dragons, unlike the guardians, do not see the Keepers as their 'masters').


The thieves are a group of young...well...thieves of course! They've all been together since they were very young. They have no family other than one another, and they depend on one another a great deal. They were helped long ago by a doctor named Georyn Harris, and so "Doc" is also an important member of their little family.

 - Trey Calders - Trey is something of the self-proclaimed leader of the group. He is the eldest, and feels a certain responsibility to all of the others. He is capable in many different forms of thievery, but is not really a master in any of them. He is very protective of his little group, and very distrusting of any "outsiders" that may try to get close to them.

 - Tyson Davidson - Called "Ty" by most, Tyson is the groups hacker. An expert in such things, he brags that he is able to get into any computer anywhere, and more often than not he is able to back up his claims. While a bit strange and harsh on the surface, a lovable goofball lies underneath, and he is more than happy to help his friends.

 - Marian Andrews - Better known as "Spiderman." She is so nick-named because of her style of thievery. She is cat burglar, like Katyn, but she aims her sights  a bit higher, and goes after the more expensive heists, so the equipment that she uses is a bit more advanced. The result is a costume that appears to be something right out of marvel comics, and her movements as she steals remind her friends of Spiderman, which earned her the title.

 - Lissibith Stark - Lissibith is the youngest member of the group of theives, and the only one who actually runs a legitimate business. At the age of 15, she is a master mechanic. She is too young, however, and doesn't get he business that she needs to completely make it on her own, so she makes ends meet by helping her friends with a few gadgets that they might need for their heists. In return, she gains some of the loot for herself.

 - Micah Drews - The cool-headed pick-pocket. at first glance seems to be the most normal of the bunch, and is often so quick that his movements will go unnoticed. Very calm and cool, and not very easily surprised, Micah usually has a small smile on his face, as though laughing at a private joke, and usually gives anyone looking at him the impression that the joke is at their expense. He dislikes the name "micah" since it sounds too female, and so has everyone call him the generic "Mike."

(( - There are a few other theives in the group, but I haven't gotten all the details ironed out about them yet. I will post their information as soon as I know.))

 - "Doc" Harris - The elderly doctor who took in the thieves because he took pity on them. Now, his offices and home and other holdings serve as a sort of safe-house for the thieves when they were on the run. The thieves, in gratitude, will often steal medical supplies and such for him, so that he can afford to treat poorer patients in emergency situations.


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